The State of Diesel Technicians

The State of Diesel Technicians

Download link below for the 2022 State of Diesel Technicians survey, courtesy of CCJ’s partnership with Shell Lubricant Solutions. Last year, the diesel tech shortage cracked ATRI’s top industry concern list for the first time, coming in at number 10 overall and no. 7 among carriers. This year, it dropped to no. 15 overall and no. 8 among carriers – a byproduct of things like diesel fuel prices and speed limiters, for example – being more ‘right now’ problems, not that the issue of diesel tech labor has been solved in any way. Contents of this video 00:00 Diesel technician shortage 02:02 Pay and benefits for diesel technicians 02:58 Recruiting diesel technicians 04:11 Women in the diesel technician field 05:41 Company culture 06:33 Employee turnover
Posted November 28, 2022
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