VR VIRTUAL REALITY TRAINING WITH SAVANNAH Supply Chain Guy, Bill Stankiewicz, Transport, trucking :

VR VIRTUAL REALITY TRAINING WITH SAVANNAH Supply Chain Guy, Bill Stankiewicz, Transport, trucking :

Posted by Bill Stankiewicz
VR, Virtual Reality training for forklift safety training. VR equipment training can be a supplement for your operators. We cover walk around inspection, driving lifts stand up/sit down, trainer can be supervising remotely. Improves employee engagement, retention, customer service, safety & operations using VR. Our training has full operator emersion, structured course learning in a VR environment. Safely train new operators in a shorter time period than with traditional methods without the risk. For experienced operators , building good safety habits can be a good benefit of a VR system. Bill Stankiewicz is a 25 year veteran in supply chain management, FEMA, port operations, transloads, drayage, & logistics Executive based in Savannah, Georgia. Bill has set up new eCommerce centers in food grade distribution centers , dry goods, and heavy equipment industry. For any help in Americas, UK or UAE locations contact : info@savannahsupplychain.com, office: 1.404.750.3200. Be safe. Safety first, training reduces accidents in all operations. FOLLOW and view YouTube BILL STANKIEWICZ LOVES GEORGIA.
Posted November 4, 2022
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